Institutional Portfolio Management
We provide comprehensive portfolio management services to institutional investors in Greece and abroad, with a view to achieving optimal use of their capital. Our experienced executives work with top international investment firms and have extensive knowledge of markets. They have long experience in the field of management.
Institutional portfolios are managed by the Investment Division of Eurobank Asset Management MFMC.
Target investors
We manage the portfolios of institutional investors in Greece and abroad. The institutional portfolio management services are intended for investors, such as:
- Social security bodies
- Professional funds
- Insurance companies
- Foundations
- Legacies etc.
Investments based on your strategy
To reach the objectives of your portfolio, we take into account your investment profile:
- The level of the investment risk you wish to assume.
- Your investment horizon.
We follow a structured investment procedure and invest wisely, our main priority being to meet your investment objectives and expectations in the best way possible.
The structure of your portfolio
The executives of our management team choose for your portfolio:
- Specific securities.
- Third-party mutual funds and/or exchange traded funds.
- A combination of options 1 and 2.
Geographical investment orientation
Your portfolio may have a domestic or international orientation, or it may combine these two options.
Our management team looks for the most suitable investment solutions for your investment portfolio.
To do so, it taps into its extensive knowledge about markets and works with top international investment firms.
Active management
Your portfolio is managed actively within the predefined investment limits, taking into account:
- Maximising the expected return.
- The level of the investment risk you wish to assume.
Transparency and regular updates
Our investment procedure is characterised by transparency and discipline. This way you ensure:
- Daily updates about your portfolio.
- A view of the structure and return of your portfolio at regular intervals, according to your wishes and provisions in force.
Scientific methodology
Fundamental analysis is at the centre of our investment philosophy. To manage your portfolio we combine:
- Modern scientific methods – qualitative and quantitative.
- Long-term investment practices.
In addition, particular emphasis is placed on the transactions and the effective management of the investment risk.
Experienced management team
The Investment Division of Eurobank Asset Management MFMC takes on the management of your portfolio. Our people working in this division have:
- Long experience in the field of management.
- Extensive knowledge of domestic and global markets.
- Advanced portfolio management and monitoring systems.
Their skills and stability facilitate you in achieving absolute and relative returns.
The experience and management skills of our executives place us among the first choices for institutional portfolio management.
Find out why you should choose us if you are an institutional investor.